Ackyls's bit of the internet!

welcome to my homepage!

About me:

info about me:

I'm 17, my birthday is on June 26, and I made this site as to NOT use Linktree or any of the similar cuz I want to be different :) . I have lots of hobbies, mostly technology and arts. I'm not too athletic :P. I'm from Romania and I speak three languages, romanian, hungarian and english, so it's not too hard for me to talk to people, especially online. If you want to, make sure to send me a message, I will appreciate it :3

Find out more about me in the intrests tab!

Hi! everyone, I'm Robert!

This is my site, I made it as an experiment and learned through the summer of 2024, this is my third take at making my site and I think this is the best one yet! I'm thinking about maybe putting some kind of archive where i could keep my older versions but i didnt save my files separately (like i didnt duplicate them) and I only have the base ones... I have some really old ones tho so I could do it i guess...

Latest update 10.02.2025: Updated blog, Added Twitch to my socials, updated my OC's shrine, Keep messaging me to get your blinkies added to my site!


Message me to get your button added to my site!
