Y'all this wont be updated often lol:

• March 5th 2025:

  I had one BIIIIIG month!!! At the time of writing, im on the plane towards italy, to see Bologna and Florence (24 feb), i'll talk about them at the end of the blog prolly but now to sum up what has been going on the past two or three weeks im not sure lol.

  Well the biggest thing that happened was def me going to PGL 2025 that was held in Cluj, (csgo tier 1 tournament) it was HELLA FUN and even Ohnepixel noticed us 😭😭 I made a flag for the event, even tho im not much of an esports fan, I guess now i kinda am!

  After that i tbh kinda fell in love with Cs and its simplicity, the way the economy and skin market works is just Wowowowowow! i love it…

So i bought Cs prime lol, its free money basically!!!

  Planning on my next in school event has kinda started? A participant of the pop tournament reached out to me saying that he wants to help me wkth the next one, something that made me very happy, i cant wait to work with him :D I’m sure we will make an awesome team! (march update! we will ahve a meeting with one of the more important-ish teachers to discuss the organisation, I will prep a small demo of it and make the poster!)


  Ok so i just boarded the plane back and it was WONDERFUUUUL I LOVED FLORENCE SO MUCH!! Bologna was ok too ig JK I LOVED THAT TOO! (florence more tho)

  (Im sitting next to a very fashionable guy) he has a thick and sophisticated raincoat, black and THICK sunglasses, he didnt really move at all on the flight lmao

  Otherwise, not a lot happened, just saw everything i wanted ♥ ill make sure to share some pics! On a sidenote, why does italy have no orbit gum? Like huhhh? I really wanted some gum and i could find any "normal" big name brands so i just got a black one and it was so ewww!

   A surprise is COOKING for someone i know 🤞

pics here!

• Febraury 9th 2025:

  Yoooo! How are you all! Honastly IM GREAT! a bit stressed for tomorrow since i havent done my hw but its okay...

  I Had a REALLY good last few days, it was my best friends birthday and I loved it so much, I missed hanging out with my friends from the art school and finally seeing Ana again... Unfortunately i havent had the time to make her anything too big for her actual birthday but I will make her a cosplay prop for comic-con, I couldnt finish it for her birthday, the 9th...

  I'm gonna stream next week, I set up my twitch profile and most likely Im gonna stream with my friend Inferno, I'm not sure what but i wanna stream on twitch! I will link it on my index page fr...


  I replaced my computer's CPU cooler, It runs a lot cooler now!

  Idk if alex will read this but i wanna hang out with him fr! I hope we can meet this upcoming week, love ya alex!

  And lastly, I maxxed out my espresso cookie on crk! i will link my account in the game profiles tab, feel free to add me!

• January 25th 2025:

  Hey Hey HEY! It has NOT been that long this time!

  So we are trying out a new format, we are gonna usa the "p" command from now on, I'm also planning a blog page overhaul soon! Lol

  One of my fav artists, Enkeli/Maiki has made a discord server, man THEYRE SO COOL! I love the server and also, a really cool person from the server called Sahsa said that she will make an emoji for me!!! with my OC!!! Thats so COOOOOL! Sasha if u see this love you frfr!!! I will post in in my OC's shrine!

  The weather has been meh AF lately, I went out with the comic con gang yesterday tho and that was fun!

  Tomorrow im going to a movie night on maiki's server, I hope its gonna be fun! we might watch a Ghibli movie :D

• January 20th 2025:

  Hello Y'all, hows you been? I havent been up top THAT much but i thouht i would update you :D

School started, its a bit tiring I admit, I shuld get used to a normal sleep schedhule again... I also facotory resetted My computer and put a windows 7 theme on it, I love it so much i miss old windows styles... I'm buying my new aircooler any day now. My informatics teacher checked out my site (was called out by a classmate) and she didnt seem to care that much, she did say she doesnt really like the colors, but thats about it. To be fair, i did not explain that well, iomagine if I had some time to prepare damn I wouldve SLAYED that explanation frfr XD

I FINALLY BEAT SPELUNKY 2! After only like 350 hours ofc!

I went to a friends birthday, we havent talked in a while but I'm happy she invited me, I had fun and its confirmed that some friends will invite me when their birthdays come :)

And lastly, I made a Xiaohongshu account and posted my comic con vid on it but translated to chinese, I find it a bit funny lol

• January 2025!:


•Happy new year everyone!

I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday period! i personally did have quite a pleasant time, I spent it mostly at my dad's place, during the new year's period, i spent christmas at home tho... I cant wait to show you guys that gift I made for my friend, Ill link it down below, its basically the sally face guitar it came out super AWESOME!

I didnt get my mirror for christmas yet, I bought myself an NVME SSD tho, and Soon ill get a new CPU cooler, I also got some new stereo sound stuff, idk what theyre called, they also have a subwoofer theyre super cool!

the time I spent at my dad's was... Okay? I dont have much to say for it, I played a LOT of catan tho i liked that!

another thing that happened this month, Is that i got a new really cute christmas commision pfp from EnderCatCore!


literally so cute, I will link it in the pics section!

I'm invited to go to a friends birthday on the 5th, I have a really great Arcane themed gift ideea for her, that Ana will help me tomorrow to make it, I cant wait to start i hope it will turn out great!

I played lots of minecraft and fortnite also, We have a server now and im level 120 or so on fortnite, as I said earlier im really loving this season.

pics here

• December 10-20 2024:

   Hello Y'all, its been a month again, if you read this lmk how ur doing 😊!

I had a HUGE month so far! the game show I organised at my school took place on the 17th, it was a succes! I worked REALLY hard on it and i'm proud it payed off! Basically a teacher contacted me afterwards bc she liked what i did, even tho she couldn't come to see, and told me that she would want to make this an even bigger thing next year and that she would want me to help her to make some kind of project in our school related to social media and organising and stuff... So guys, even if it seems like its DEADASS not worth it to go thru so much without much help, someone will notice and appreciate it!

I will share some pics from the game show down below!

another funny moment from my month was the secret santa that we did in my class, basically, I on accident got a pet blanket for my secret santa instead of a normal one, I was REALLY tired and didnt pay attention to the big bold text saying PET BLANKET 😭 while I was there my friend even pointed it out that it looks kinds small but i said it HAS to be fine!
Anyways I got A STITCH FUNKO I LOVE IT SO MUCH ITS SO CUTE! i will have a pic of that too it will be on the shelf above my monitor!

Tmr im going to brasov with a friend probably to shop for christmas gifts, and i have to go buy polyester for a gift that I am making for a friend, i think he is going to love it but i need to hurry with making it cuz i got not much time left!

I bought my cosplay shit for april, also 4 of us bought tikets too! We will go and stay for two nights to get the full experience! Im going as ralsei for now but i still have to come up with cosplays for the other two days lol

for christmas im hoping for a BIG mirror honestly, i literally dont have a mirror in my room and its so annoying!

Game stuffs: I reached level 200 on candy crush and got Zhonngli, I am loving the new fortnite season, level 82!

Some other stuff is that i sterted taking robotics/electronics classes, its really fun im enjoying it so far im working with like LED's and stuff, If you want to add me on Bereal, my username is "Robert_not", and finally my spotify wrapped is also in the pics section! See you all next update! ayo pics here

• November 1-25 2024:

   Hi everyone! I had a REALLY busy month so far and i kept psotponing the blog update, but we are finally here!

Im actually not even sure where to start lol, I guess Its a pretty important part that i went to Belgium with a project funded by the European Union called EPAS, i got to see all kinds of cool and significant locations such as the Parliaments or other museums and statues!
One of the museum had 5 floors, it had a hole in the middle and a HUGE statue going upwards with historical quotes on it. It was an European history museum, and I rly enjoyed it!

I spent a lot of time with my friends and also got closer with some people i didnt think i would! The flights were really good and the food was also awesome! I will share some pics down below!

I also did a bunch of other things, like Ice skating, and starting to work on a competition in my school that me and 3 other friends will be organising for the whole school! Mostly bc noone ever does anything interesting in our school so I decided to do it myeslf! Last year i organised a pop culture quiz all by myself but since i want this to be a bit more complex I got some help! Ill share pics below!

What did I play these past few weeks? I finished Cult of the Lamb and i really enjoyed it! I played quite a bit of fortnite, i finished the battle pass and all, I just started ultrakill and buckshot roulette, I cant wait to play VRChat and i havent played Sally face yet lol!

I also ended up finally changing my room, and yes I do have burgundy walls LOL, I will show you guys a lot more once its fully finished! Theres a pic of the current setup in the pics, no burgundy wall tho PICSSSSS

• October 30-31 2024:

  Welp I've been sick the past three days or so, still am a bit but i am a lot better now, Tmr we are sarting the room switch with my brother, I cant wait to share it with you guys once its done im literally going to have BURGUNDY WALLS!!!

Isnt that like REALLY cool?

Other than this i mainly played fortnite with my bestest friend, i am level 76 now even thought i HATE this marvel season, I cant wait for it to end!

I also had the chance to play among us again... since like 2020 lol, it weas with an older friend group and a few strangers, it was a lot of fun tho a fun throwback for sure lol.

• October 28 2024:

  Hello everyone, i've gotten a little sick and for some reason I have a few "aphthae" in my mouth (i didnt know they were called like that) and its REALLY annoying one is right under my tounge...

I had a pretty good past few days, i have been out with my friends, changed my guitar strings and played a lot of guitar yesterday with my friend. I'ts a lot more motivating to play when you actually have someone to play with :P

One of the songs we played was Boys Don't Cry by The Cure, It sounds really good with two guitars lol.

Also I will be swapping rooms with my brother so I will have a really different room! I'm really excited for it, will update on "My Setup" tab when it actually happens!

• October 16 2024:

  🎮I'm playing sally face now, also looking for a reacorder coach prof thing so i can get better. faster. Im going to buy the tickets for comic coon VERY soon, also im going to stay in Bucharest during the con, I cant wait!!!!

• October 15 2024:

  Sooo yeah I shouldve started this a Loooong time ago, right now I'm on the plane towards Bucharest from my one week stay in Knin Croatia, from an Erasmus project, it was a lot pf fun I really enjoyed it, I'll probably upload some pictures when I actually format this hehe...

This Will likely be updated pretty rarely (the blog), but everything has a start, and that just means that I will go out of my way to make them extra special, and phew I dont even know where to start...

I was there from 6th untill 12th october, two awesome girls, Paula and Iva were our hosts and I shared an apartment with two other Romanians.

Knin is a small town with only around 15000 ppl population, but it has a lot of historical significance, it was the place where the most wars that were related to the fall of Yugoslavia happened, in 1995. So not even that long ago, thus a lot of different nationalities reside there, even though its small Throughout the week we had activites and visits across the Dalmatian coast of Croatia, stuff I will gladly tell you about if you message me :J

We also visited Split for a few hours which imo was beautiful, from there we took the plane to Munich where we stationed like three hours...

The munich airport is HUGE like bro it spans 7km on google maps and Knin is like 2 km long XD

It was also extremely interactive like it had games, pianos and like learning stuff all over, SUPER optimised like it even had a metro to get to the gates and clean... Before landing in Split on 6th, we also spent a day in Zurich, Switzerland, something that I did NOT think I would have the chance do anytime soon bc of how “secluded” Switzerland is compared to other countries in the EU, but yeah it was reslly Nice also clean and I loved it overall, its a different cumture, a lot more advanced than romania… an ex-stundent from our teachers gave us a tour lol

As soon as we got on the plane to Romania we were hit with the good old taste of unculed-ness that can be old people, a lady got mad at my colleauges for not placing something neatly in the carry-on bag section (it wasnt even next to her seat), which wasnt even true since four of the seven bags we had were taken away bc of their size, and we would've fit with them too, just a petty lady, looking for drama in her life that is too boring probably, she called one of my colleauges ugly and overall was rly disrespectful towards us, I think we were lucky one of our teachers ms maria is like, the type to not let it slide so she told her off so that was cool (help i cant put this into words too well but trust be it was dramatic AF in there XDDD), I think bro got a bit scared bc she didnt want to apologise after and a flight attendant (who was giving a bit fuity btw) told her that she would be taken off the plane unless she apologises, in the end she wasnt but I'll let you know if we interact with her again XD (we didnt im writing this on the 15th)

my dad is going to drive me and our teachers home so im excited for that, I havent seen him in a while, I winder if I will fall asleep... (I did)

I listened to music pretty much the whole way but my highlight would be “forgotten arcade” album by frizk, I like all of the songs besides maybe like the first three, and “nebula” by wels too, a new fav!

My dad picked me, balog and maria, the others all went with Matei, we will get home around 5 am...

I noticed I use "I" a lot, what can i even use instead of it? man i need to read more in English XD

Let's do a quote of the month yo! uhh what about my favs and the one i use the most: "Be the voice, not the echo!"

Thank you for reading this far! I hope I'll write often tbh cuz I think documenting ur life can be an intresting way of both creating fun treasures for years later AND improve my writing skills (as you may see theyre not that good)!